With Your Host Darrin Nelson
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Meet the Host


Spending time with his family: Wife Margie, son’s Ben and Jared
Outdoors: Hiking, Fishing, Boating, Jeep
Meeting new people and discussing their life journey.

Darrin Nelson

Hillsborough, New Jersey
Vibrant Parish Life Ministries / Consulting

At the age of 28, married and with two young children, God starting tugging on his heart. Soon afterwards, in 1998, he began working full time in ministry working with various pastors, parishes, and diocesan committees focused on parish life strategic planning. For the past 10 years his passion has been helping Catholic parishes foster Discipleship and Evangelization. Through this podcast he desires to share stories about Catholics awakening to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and provide conversations around parish evangelization initiatives and the various challenges pastors and leadership face moving parishes into Mission. He believes there is always a story to be discovered.

Latest Episode

Parish Digital Marketing and Communications Strategy with Jen Sakowski

What People Say

“Leo egestas molestie nunc eros, dictum vivamus lectus vulputate tincidunt arcu id facilisi augue sed mauris non, vitae consequat id.”
John Hill
“Elementum faucibus dui, a id ac sagittis semper elit iaculis dictum cras aliquam vestibulum auctor libero blandit pellentesque sodales leo diam purus, lacus sapien.”
James Dean
“Et semper faucibus est justo, nec vulputate erat tellus elementum proin sed vitae erat feugiat auctor ante laoreet porttitor risus feugiat in volutpat nunc.”
Hillary Rice
“Etiam hendrerit urna neque diam fames semper vel feugiat auctor arcu lectus dolor enim tortor dui netus ornare donec dis.”
Rodrigo Alonso
“Est fusce praesent mattis viverra cursus dolor euismod metus risus vel, nisl, lorem eget quam egestas.”
Julia Michelle
“Eget interdum id nunc at diam pellentesque tortor eros aliquet sed pretium, fermentum, nulla ornare diam.”
Mila Jackson
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